Chair Mark Scott
Mark Scott
Secretary Liam Castles
Liam Castles
Treasurer Andy Wilson
Andy Wilson
Vice-chair Campaigns Jenny Orchard
Jenny Orchard
Communications and Social Media Officer Vacant
Policy Officer Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Trade Union Liason Officer Vacant- Applications welcome!
Vacant- Applications welcome!

From it’s foundation, Labour has had a strong democratic tradition. The dynamic network of local parties and the annual conference means that any member can make their voices heard. The direction that our party takes is therefore guided from below by ordinary people. This is real democracy.

At Reigate Labour we are proud to keep this tradition alive. Our executive officers are elected by the local membership, and serve the members. Whatever your query may be, we encourage you to reach out to our officers to make your voice heard!

Reigate Labour is always welcoming to new, or existing members who wish to stand for an executive position with the local party. If you would like to take on a vacant position, or challenge for one at our annual executive election, please get in touch!

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