Please take a few moments to complete our online member survey to help us better plan local campaigning activities. With this information, our organising and mobilizing processes will become much more efficient and allow us to bring the fight to the Tories.

Member Survey

Street name/number


We want to give all members the opportunity to become more involved in local party activities. Whether that be as little as attending meetings, or as much as standing for council. Every contribution is appreciated!
Have you recently joined the party?
If yes, has your local party been in touch?
Do you currently feel involved and part of your local party?
How often do you attend party meetings?
How could we encourage you to become more involved?


Our ability to win elections is dependent on the efforts and commitments of our members when campaigning. We all lead busy lives, knowing what our members are prepared to do and how much time they can give really helps us to better plan campaigning activities.
Please indicate which activities you are able/comfortable to do
Have you ever considered standing to be a Labour councillor?
We are always on the lookout for people to stand up and represent their local communities as Labour councillors. If you would like to know more, we'll be in touch!
Are you involved with any other local or national campaigns or groups?
Would you consider donating to your local Labour Party?
We are proud to be funded by the collective pockets of our members and affiliated trade unions. But without your generous donations, Labour cannot be an effective campaigning machine. We therefore humbly ask you to consider a contribution, which you can rest assured would be put towards fighting the Tories!
We will be in contact as soon as possible if any amount is pledged.
Would you help Labour candidates become official nominees by providing 1 of 10 signatures to a nomination form?
For all of our 2023 council candidates, 10 nomination signatures will need to be acquired from residents of the ward they are standing in. If we can find nominators early, this helps to significantly ease the pressure as the election is approaching.


To win elections we need to equip members with the latest and the best campaigning techniques. We offer a range of training opportunities.
Please indicate the areas you are interested in

Thank you for completing our survey. 

We may use the information you provide, such as your name and address, to match the data provided to your electoral register record held on our electoral database. This could influence future communications that you receive from us. We will use your answers to help us campaign more effectively.

If you would like to know more about how we use your information, please click here.

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